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Why Charcoal Pizza is on the Menu for Foodies

 by charcoal on 23 Sep 2017 |
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Charcoal pizza is one of the latest food trends to hit the UK but far from being an over baked version of this Italian favourite, this popular new dish uses activated charcoal as its secret ingredient.
As the only manufacturer of activated charcoal that has been licensed as a pharmaceutical we are regularly approached by food manufacturers to supply them with food grade charcoal to use as an ingredient. Pizza is one of the latest products to use our activated charcoal.
Our activated charcoal is very different from the type of carbon that would be created if the food had been overcooked or burnt. Charcoal created by burning food or wood is harmful if eaten whereas activated charcoal is pure and safe to use as a food ingredient.
What’s the difference between burnt food and food with added activated charcoal?
Burnt food, or any burnt organic matter, can contain high levels of toxins that are harmful to health. There has been a lot of media coverage of the health risks associated with eating burnt food and it is important to recognise that this form of carbon is very different to the activated carbon or charcoal used in food products.
Activated charcoal (carbon) is processed at temperatures of up to 1000 degrees C using purified steam to remove contaminants. This results in a product known as activated charcoal or medicinal charcoal, which is safe to ingest, has a large porous surface area and actually absorbs toxins and carries them out of the body.
We are proud to have supplied our customers for many years with activated medicinal charcoal to treat the symptoms of digestive disorders. Customers regularly report that they have felt the benefit of charcoal, whether as a treatment or as a preventative medicine. The fact that our activated charcoal is a licensed pharmaceutical demonstrates that it meets very high standards of quality and regulation. Click here to find out more about the health benefits of charcoal.


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On the high street, JL Bragg's Charcoal Products are sold in independent Pharmacies & Health Food Stores nationwide.

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